It was a dark, rainy, foggy, cold, and dreary night. The traveler drew his wet, soggy, heavy, cloak around him. He was almost home, he could see the lights.
His thoughts were heavy with the loan rollovers that were past due on his businesses and on his family’s homestead and the bankers’ notice to auction was in his coat pockets. He pondered on the impossibility of the math, the bankers’ rollovers coincided with the war that disrupted his supply, and the banks raised interest rates and raised criteria because they found higher profit by financing oil purchases due to the rising prices from world instability and no matter where he went …. no bank wanted to extend the loans or fund the rollovers.
It seemed like a hidden hand was coordinating to reduce the supply of money, by printing less and resulting in hard assets like his businesses and homestead to be transferred to financiers and traders — and oh!
He saw it in a blinding flash! The business model of the entire world was Debt, its creation, and sustainability, and these economic cycles were induced and timed for maximum extraction of hard assets that have been created by producers to the traders. In ancient times, when men (his, her, it) were all peers, there was no distinction, and peers provided liquidity for peers based on peering. But now, it had become liquidity for liquidity's sake, not liquidity for the need of the common good.
The financiers and traders are those whose livelihood is based on finance. They don’t produce whether by land or sea, they produce financial instruments that do nothing except arbitraging the very events that they often cause.
What about insurance you say?! Insurance is a convenience where the community is not there. Do the Amish have barn-raising insurance? Do the Amish have health insurance? And any profits for jebs? No, it’s the liquidity by debt that is at the root of it all. This Debt underlies all. It is the denominator for all, from scientific research grants to treatments for diseases. The world needs to have liquidity not bound to debt. Its the network! The Network is the net.
But wait! There’s more.
He saw that the Debt is bound to future time, an impossible condition to be agreed to and thus the loan contracts between bankers AND are void ab initio. Thus, only valid contracts are those between peers and only settled in the present time for equal value.
Inspired, the traveler finally reached his home, and he quickly threw off his heavy coat and all his wet clothes and — sat-tushy nake’d-(on)-mat to — began writing a white paper. (sah-tushy naaka (on is silent) ma-toe).
Bonus Epik: The Law of Vibration: “DESIRES ARE FREQUENCIES