3 ways to look at the blockchain, pick one:
The nation-states “need” to adopt this to enable the next level of productivity from their citizens or else lose competitiveness and lower GDP.
1. It “changes everything”. It’s humanity’s inflection point to Type 1 Civilization.
For the pace: How much self-governance can we *eat* and so that we don’t break all the fine china in the process, learning the how-to tickle the beast for it to relax its grip.
“…we reached a point in our civilization of peak centralization” Miko Matsumura.
Enabling every node to have access — to the resources of the entire network — which previously was only available to the central node.
2. It’s the greatest invention (and venture opportunity) since the industrial revolution and capitalism, or at least since the internet.
3. It’s the opportunity — of e-commerce, social media, mobile, and apps — rolled into one.
…thus, we have seen this before: The new products and services to develop and roll out are, as if in hindsight; the adoption timing is the art.
It’s not that hard to figure out the next moves.
Oct 2020:
Virginia, the revolution will not be decentralized, unless: Transparency!
Update: Now after the bloom is off, it is apparent that decentralization revolution and freedom for the teeming mass of humanity is not going to happen (at least for the foreseeable future!) — b/c, its central tenet of irrecovableness requires the self-responsibility of securing the private keys which my “mother” (who are at worst, the ther 99%; or at best maybe up to 80%) does not want, nor capable of handling them. And for the 1% and those that can, it is not that convinient. Long live centralization.
Immutability and irrevocableness, and the decentralization can be solved for the masses. It requires transparancy. The transparancy to leave your keys out on the table, same as when we go home, we leave our wallets on the dining table…The greater the absolute transparancy, the greater the decentralization, and greater the convinience, and no need to secure the private keys. That is the tradeoff.
The crypto space will not get mass adoption until either is solved. The 99% do not want the responsibility of the immutable private keys responsibility. The way to solve it is transparancy, i.e. if all the players in (an) ecosystem is naked, then no need to secure the private keys.