a Q and A with chat.openai
Ques1: Hey ChatGPT … “What is a cryptosphere” >
“The term “cryptosphere” refers to the global ecosystem of people, organizations, and technologies that are involved in cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology, and related fields. It includes cryptocurrency exchanges, mining operations, software development, startups, investors, and users of cryptocurrency and blockchain-based applications. The cryptosphere is a rapidly evolving space, with new technologies and applications being developed all the time, and it plays a key role in shaping the future of finance, governance, and other areas of society.”
Ques2: “What is a curated walled garden cryptosphere” >
“A curated walled garden cryptosphere refers to a controlled, restricted environment for cryptocurrency or blockchain-based systems. It is typically created and maintained by a single entity or group, and access to the cryptosphere is often restricted or selectively granted to certain individuals or organizations.
In a curated walled garden cryptosphere, the entity or group that controls the environment has the ability to regulate which cryptocurrency or blockchain-based systems are allowed within the environment and can exert control over the transactions and interactions that take place within it. This type of cryptosphere is often seen as a more centralized and controlled alternative to more open and decentralized cryptocurrency networks, such as the Bitcoin network.
Walled garden cryptospheres are often used by companies or organizations that want to use cryptocurrency or blockchain technology in a controlled manner, such as for internal transactions or for creating closed-loop systems within a specific industry or market. They can also be used as a way to test and experiment with new technologies in a controlled environment before potentially releasing them to a wider audience.”
QSphere: the first curated walled-garden cryptosphere, at … twitter.com/peerzero