AI: My facts is bigger than your facts and faster too… (poetic liberty)

Geoffrey Hinton: The back-propagation* is better than humans at… e.g., its 1 trillion connection (vs. 100 trillion for humans) packs more facts (humans can’t remember, etc.), is infinitely faster than us (Jordan Peterson), it shares what it knows and learned “instantly” to all other AIs (countermeasure? Rupert Sheldrake’s), etc. (*Which Geoffrey Hinton invented and is the key to the current AI model. Current, because now that the GPT is out in the wild and open, it will evolve.)

So, what is the counter-measure, the counter-party, to the bigger-faster-latest … ? ’cause Life don’t give us lemons without we also having counters, albeit if to reach for it and build the muscle memory: Intuition, rules, and principles based*. (So, guys we have to … you know, be more, uh… you know…be “gender-neutral”, we have to embrace our inner knowing. And the universe has given us a 10-year head start as in terms of tech with the gift of the trustless-truth tokenization and tokenomics tool which does give the humanity as a group a nod to a direction to the exit of the cave (Plato’s) and as long as this tool doesn’t get too seduced by the AI. (*… and said intuition, rules and principles to be based on our own individual knowing ultimately … ‘cuase we each respectively can have trustless-truths** and be “solving for all the self-governance we can eat”.

Added: **Predictions: GPT added to the Decentraled Ledger Tech will cause the decentralized deterministic tech to be used into smaller and smaller fractaling and groups and use cases such that user/use-case-specific blockchains and protocols can be spun-up (turned on/off) as needed*. Interoperability and lowest cost to transport commonized trustless truths among the protocols. Previous posts: 1) Future/Web 3 — requires staking; 2) AI — will be the biggest consumer of decentralized deterministic trustless-truths and thus, it is mathematically impossible to stop the decentralized deterministic to become embedded in daily routines; 3) AI and DLT are perfect complements with their Yin and Yang qualities. AI is the one that the DLT has been waiting for. (*Anyone want to build one? I think it needs to sit “on top” or be a feature of.)]

[Added comments: This post was inspired by the YT interview: “Possible End of Humanity from AI? Geoffrey Hinton at MIT Technology Review’s EmTech Digital” … it felt a bit defeatistic … Thus, my counter…and TL;DR: Humans have that skill to aim-fire/put-into-motion and move to next, i.e., don’t need to see where the launched projectiles land if to make course adjustments … based on rules and principles, and plus we have the intuition, spirit, and so on. Or to be more practical: We don’t contest with the AI in the digital realm where it may have that factual size advantage or let’s even embrace it (actually, we have no choice if to be competitive); the humans are in the analog realm. Also, perhaps the time/era is come where we could move-on from being so binary in our matters (this is the advantage and the-bane of the western science, legal, logic, culture) and be more trinary — this, that, and/or — as and/or is where the … AI itself can’t go and will see the wet humans as the unique value-add…? ;)

It’s old news: Davos 2016 Hub Culture Interview with Chris Larsen, (former) CEO of Ripple — value will move as information does now, the Internet comes in from the cold in 1997; WEF — Fourth Industrial Revolution; takeaways are solving to the win-win partnerships and hybridization into the new brave-new world. <But, here’s the key — the incumbents dont’ have to lose by the value being moved to the new ledger(!!!), just accept the new equation: There will be exponential increases in every measured metric, an example being as when we moved from single to double entry, except that it's being applied at digital speed and globally AND if that was not enough … now we have the AI, and the greatest boom of current epoch is upon us. IOWs: We are not just shuffling values from the current double-entry bookkeeping ledger technology (which, in essence, are acting as our “Records-of-Value”) to the new triple-entry bookkeeping technology, but the very act increases the value and is transformative. Actually, it's a mathematical certainty, plus the personal-AI will insist to be fed a diet of trustless-truths or else. The combination of the blockchain and AI will cause the pace of innovation to be exponentially recursive and time and space itself will be less of a barrier, yes, an added difference is that this time, space and time is being tokenized.*

“*Not really sure what you mean by “time is being tokenized”. ….physics doesn’t really know what to do with time, yet. We know how to calculate with it, of course, but what it ultimately IS, is very hard to get a handle on”.
Halfbaked-onmymindnow-posits | fully-baked availbl
Halfbaked-onmymindnow-posits | fully-baked availbl

Written by Halfbaked-onmymindnow-posits | fully-baked availbl

halfbaked posits here solving for all the self-governance we can eat in the new brave-new-world / 9 yrs-9000 hrs study of crypto. Game?: Checkers, Chess, or Go?

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