Essentially — we are rebirthing the world and creating a new species of humans. In order to be star-species and thus to be able to more efficiently leverage and harness earth and the productivity of the human species, the decentralized and trustless exchange is the current best option.
·The “7th gen.” blockchain model will have instant transactions, i.e. the time from the cause to the effect will be instant. That is the goal to iterate to…The goal of the DLT is to eliminate the time between the cause and the effect so that the resources of the past and the future are available in the present. (Excuse, it does sound cool.) The mission of DLT is to harness the productivity of earth and humans to get to Type 1 civilization, asap plz.
· There will be no more wars in 1 generation, b/c nations will not have tax revenue to go to wars, etc.
· The true hub and spoke or the centralization model is ideally a torus model — where the center pushes out or births and gives value to the edges and then it flows back to the center — instead of the current “bureaucratic” centralized model of PULLING or extracting value from the edges and then pushes out control and constraints.
· “It’s the network stupid” and now, imo to empower the edges to create and have direct most platform to exchange with each other. This is the exact nature of bitcoin. The coins were organically created and then the network gave value, well the value is by the external fiat wanting to “exchange” their declining/inflating values to the “real” value of the bitcoins.
· Yup: Really, the point of nearly all early models are to facilitate the transfer of “value’ or wealth “held” in the fiat currency into the crypto-currency:
· Fiat world will continuously exchange their fiat into “usable” tokens in the new crypto world.
· They have no choice as the intrinsic efficiency of the trustless decentralized systems will eat the legacy systems.
· Our mission is to create business models to facilitate the migration of the values held in fiat to the tokens; and to burn the fiats once it has been exchanged.
· The current centralization model, which is “10,000 years old” — is untenable and goes against the law of thermodynamics. Miko Matsumura “…we reached a point in our civilization of peak centralization”. The cost to hold the center requires exponential increases in energy (wars, taxes, constraints, etc.) and is at where the further increases are unacceptable; thus when this breaks — the store of the wealth and power will flow to the edges and thus lay the foundation for the next gen. human civilization which will be the basis to be space faring.
· Current world socio-economics is the father of all zero sum game (one central capitalism* system). Its quite easy to “print money” — simply put the appropriate decentralized wrapper around any centralized system and it will extract the value from it due to the intrinsic advantages and efficiencies of the trustless model — which shortens the effects from the cause. So…if the centralized fiat banking — some $70 Trillion — has this wrapper, in x years “90%” of that will have migrated to the crypto-currency (some $300 B market cap currently) and the figures will be reversed.
· (*Capitalism’s dirty little secret: It’s based on scarcity. E.g. the scarcer the resource, collateral, the more debt one can have and use, it’s not about the money honey, its about how much debt the system trusts you to manage, handle and payback. We are now reversing that.)