Is there any maxi decentralized-distributed tribalist still left?
The worst maligned feature of the centralized finance system is its ability to create money-value “out of nothing”.
The best about the centralized finance system is its ability to 1) create the money-value, and 2) do it instantly without the “networked” consensus.
[This means Elon can get the money-value to build a $50 B factory here or on Mars. And Mary can “buy” a house. This CeFi system is ultimately “arbitraging” the future value of the created money and the ledger balances that way.]
One of the best-extolled features of the decentralized finance (DeFi) system is its inability to create money value by fiat.
One of the worst overlooked features of the DeFi banking system is its inability to create the money-value.
[Instead, it requires a consensus, first by the non-owners of the DeFi by converting their fiat money to the DeFi mobile (e.g. this is how BTC got started) and then after a while, by converting the DeFi to other or new DeFi money (e.g. when Ethereum launched in Jan 2015, 1 bitcoin was traded for 2000 Ethereum coins, or about 30 cents each at then value). So, how long does Johnny have to work to get/earn/own enough DeFi money to buy a house? How can he earn enough to buy anything of large value in one lifetime? Keynesian = receive the money-debt now, payback in future vs. Austrians = store the money-value now to use in the future.]
Or, it is all about the money now?
If the universe grants the wish and makes the CeFi go away, then how can the next Elon, get that $50B to build the mission to Mars?