Oh wow. We are going even further.
(Beyond the “Newbies…Truth at face value…”)

We are going further than the “trustless-truth real-world data” which we will all use based on our protocols and consensus.

We are going to start to have our own truths. For example, instead of the official CPI figures — Truflation is publishing its own.

(TL;DR: What is really happening is that the evolution and the progression of the locus of the truth authority is moving from the authorities to the “consensus-based deterministic mathematics” (who can object to that), then as Truflation is doing … it’s going further! … we the cryptogens* will add/make our version of the truth; eventually, then each individual (if they can/want). Loosely, an example: Alice will “publish the truth of” a “I will pay back 2x for investing in this venture”. (*Why and how will we make our own truth? Because once we are free from constraint, we will follow what we directly observe (based on natural instincts??), and I assert that deterministic mathematics processes will, for sure, will tend toward and find their own level… and the crypto ethos (open source-transparent or else!) developers will use their own definitions, for example, a dev in Sarajevo will not know (or have been constrained) that the US inflation rate is one that is published, and instead make compile his own data…, and will codes ’em as he sees ‘em.)

2:11: get to see all of this on our site today in the US we have 3.9% remember the national BLS number is five percent so we differ why are we different we’re different because we actually have multiple sources we are real time and we track 18 million items versus the 60 to 80 000 that the government track manually with 477 people and that’s why we’re different and we believe we need to be different and be able to hold a different set of independent source of Truth um very much aligned with the motto that with chain link…” Building synthetic assets using Truflation — Chainlink Spring 2023 Hackathon

Yup. we are going to all the self-governance that we can eat.

Buckminster Fuller: “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

Yes, never mind “their*” truths, we (the degens) just build our own — as a mathematically deterministic trustless-truth community and world, and then some can do their own truths. (*Please note, we are not to say “they” as in “They” … we will just make our own truths, and here is the thing: nevermind the seeming extra cost and expense for the infrastructure (e.g. centralized is cheaper and more scalable, etc.) the 10,000 year wind is at our backs and as we do this the wealth locked in the current extractive and “business and politics based on legally defined truths and facts” will flood out and make the traditional economic models and financial statements irrelevant.

This is it: “Real-world finance” will change its denominator from- “legally defined truths and facts” to trustless truth.

We have a new denominator — aa new ruler, our own … Interesting: We, the cryptogens, discovered a new ruler, the trustless-truth, and with this ruler we are creating new world, first our own for past 15 years (the last 5 years lot of battle testing), and now bridging to the “physical world” where the 98% are.

37:10: … the amazing thing about defi and chain link and all this stuff is that there’s so much stuff to do uh so just use your imagination and there’s so many people that that will be needed in order to create we’re literally creating a new world and I can’t do it by myself Stefan can’t do it by this stuff none of us can do it by our ourselves but uh just imagine the new world and we’ll all dig together to get to reach it so so it’s it’s absolutely amazing the amount of stuff that the possibilities the software uh and the new new technology provides.

Addendum and additions:
Yes, we have triple-entry accounting now*. But, as we mature (or even now! for some) this will be used as referential trustless truths as it is a law of nature (me thinks) that the locus of trustless truths WILL and MUST move to more individuated (indies and communities, nations) ____ … and oh wow ladiez and gentz, is that why bitcoin will become the world’s reserve SoV?! (*Triple entry may be “too yesterday’s truth ledger” for some (use cases?!) ALREADY! Jeff Booth says that tech innovation cycle half-ing is accelerating… this means, some (of us, gulp) will experience the benefits and pleasures (AND consequences) of ever-shortening separation bet. cause and effect and can experience like angels (light or dark, its a choice, ’tis a player-choice game here)…here in the “real world”. Angels don’t/won’t/can’t sin b/c they don't experience time and thus no separation of cause and effect (Be careful of what we think about. Ouch! O.M.G. Let’s leave our decioning to math! Hah!)

Halfbaked-onmymindnow-posits | fully-baked availbl
Halfbaked-onmymindnow-posits | fully-baked availbl

Written by Halfbaked-onmymindnow-posits | fully-baked availbl

halfbaked posits here solving for all the self-governance we can eat in the new brave-new-world / 9 yrs-9000 hrs study of crypto. Game?: Checkers, Chess, or Go?

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