Path and pace (updated)

The path for crossing over the chasm to the 4th cycle seems to be pointing to taking the crypto tech (and its tokenomics!) and its deterministic trustless truth guaranteed outcomes to-the real world to the 98% remaining and the pace for this real world asset tokenization is really about … digitally virtualizing (selectively) and converting to the tokenomics … and now also that we are in the AC era (After ChatGPT), every well dressed personal AI will prefer to deal in deterministic trustless truth … as its cheaper, faster, and less compute cycles. AI advent is making trustless-truth to be imperative.

Jeff Booth: “… natural law that technology advancements drive the marginal cost of production to near zero …(paraphrased)” … and this includes the cognitioning for us and our AIs as we experience the deterministic trustless truth tending to the cost of near zero, including (gulp!) eventually, the greatest SoV invented to date as all our wealth and (trustless) truth equalizes as per the Thomas Campbell conscious universe seeks to evolve by lowering entropy… but oh, the decentralized and distributed tokenization and tokenomics fun we will have getting there!

Thomas Campbell, My-Big-Theory-of-Everything 2010: “Consciousness is best modeled as a superset — a self-modifying digital information system capable of computing virtual realities… The larger consciousness system evolves by lowering the entropy of the system. It lowers the entropy of the system by organizing the bits at its disposal into a more profitable configuration.”

Some references:

Added 05/19:
The path of the commercial or public service providers and businesses (i.e. with a profit imperative) whether startups or enterprises, for the foreseeable future invariably now, is towards the deterministic trustless-truths and the pace is at the rate the … the near-endless wealth and stores* of (un)efficiencies accumulated over millenniums can be mined and extracted but to self-govern and to be sustainably environmentally mindful to only process (i.e., sublime and cleanse the monetary value being extracted) them thru mathematically deterministic trustless platforms and inclusive crowd governance … else “Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster… for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.” Friedrich W. Nietzsche

[*The current truth-adjudicating intermediaries and layers. And yes, they mark up, i.e. do their value-add to the truths before reselling. Yes, if you aint gonna markup at profit, why do it at all. ;) … then, what will happen to all of us at the end of this path …? To paraphrase the great thoughts-leaderships: “… why Alice, you will only need to work 10 hours a week and you will like it” … (Jeff Booth, “… technology allowing for a fifteen-hour workweek, as Keynes predicted when he penned his 1930s essay “Economic Possibilities for…” … Since Keynes is prior to the discovery and invention of the miraculous triple-entry ledger (the DLT behind bitcoin)… please allow me the liberty** to take an additional 5 hours off. …

**… and a reviewer (engineer at the formerly known as: dont-do-evil: “Honestly it should already have. The actual amount of work required to maintain civilization is probably a fraction of what we are spending now. Tons of bullshit bureaucratic jobs, things which could be automated or eliminated, and people actually doing counterproductive things, let alone frivolous stuff.]

Halfbaked-onmymindnow-posits | fully-baked availbl
Halfbaked-onmymindnow-posits | fully-baked availbl

Written by Halfbaked-onmymindnow-posits | fully-baked availbl

halfbaked posits here solving for all the self-governance we can eat in the new brave-new-world / 9 yrs-9000 hrs study of crypto. Game?: Checkers, Chess, or Go?

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