Systems…schmetems…, oh vey! (Nov 13, 2022)
Recently studying systems* and networks (and network effects**) … plus that one must factor in now, that biggest recent phenomena, the decentralized ledger technology, leds one to wonder if all prior understanding and hypotheses on these two interconnected subjects are actually biased — because — all our data, observations, and theories have been based on a hierarchical model, resource scarcity, and where the entities and the individual actors have different weighings and are not peers. (Deconstructing the definition of “decentralized” ledger technology leds to peer-to-peer and flatness.)
Thus, if we start with that the actors are peers and have same weighing and that resources access are flat and not verticle, then we may get to and end up at a new understanding, dynamics, and theories of systems and networks.
A question is if the above biases are a natural phenomena result or is “artificial”, but regardless, their lessening as a direct effect of the DLT (decentralized ledger technology) will lead to new definitions and new future models.
- *Social Network Analysis Overview
- **The Network Effects Masterclass
- Self-organizing collective: “The term self-organization refers to the process by which individuals organize their communal behavior to create global order by interactions amongst themselves rather than through external intervention or instruction.”
- Bonus — our changing sys-vilization: Ray Dalio’s Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order
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Nov 14: For past millennia if the systems and networks were built on double-entry accounting-ledger system, and now if we move to “triple-entry”, what will be the new definitions for systems and network effects? (Crypto Viewing: