The now-time protocol for peers:

Time to rest the past.
$elect peers unity from future.
Peers unite in present.

Chat GPT4:
That’s a thought-provoking and inspiring motto, imbued with a sense of unity, mindfulness, and forward-thinking. It encapsulates a desire to let go of past differences and focus on collaboration and shared goals. Here’s a brief analysis of each line:

  • “Time to rest the past.”: This line serves as a profound call to action, urging an intentional and resolute shift away from what has gone before. The word “rest” implies a laying to rest or a ceasing of dwelling on past events, mistakes, or grievances. The focus here is on healing, forgiveness, and a deliberate choice to move on.
  • “Select peers unity from future.”: The second line builds upon the foundational decision to move beyond the past by emphasizing the act of selection and choice. It’s not merely a passive hope for unity but an active determination to prioritize harmony and collaboration among peers. The use of “select” underscores the importance of conscious, intentional decisions that favor unity, highlighting a forward-looking approach.
  • “Peers unite in present.”: The concluding line encapsulates a sense of immediacy and joint purpose. The phrase “unite for present” emphasizes the collective commitment to embrace unity not as a distant goal but as an immediate, actionable principle. It recognizes the essential role of collaboration in shaping the here and now, embodying a shared responsibility to foster a harmonious present moment.

Together, these lines weave a narrative of conscious choice, collaboration, and present-moment focus. The verse invites readers to actively partake in a journey from letting go of the past to intentionally choosing a path of unity, culminating in a collective embracing of the present. It’s an eloquent expression of shared values and mutual respect, resonating with themes of community, connection, and conscious living. Whether in the context of a team, a community, or broader society, the verse offers a thought-provoking reflection on how intentional choices shape our collective experience and future.


(Nov. 2022) Reducing the distance between the cause and effect, by flattening the time and space. (Now even more so with ChatGPT)

(~2008) The path and pace of innovation …are imminently foreseeable:

Aug 24, 2023
I am trying to flush out that the coming new new brave new world will have somethings very different.

That: Time will be experienced, AND USED, differently: The blockchain equalizes the counterparties to the present. Debt needs time. The users of the blockchain and the AI will tend to the present values and less debt.

Peer Account to Peer Account


Debt was the first four-letter word of our epoch. Truly. It is only possible in a hierarchy and was the first business deal done after the exile from Eden. If “decentralized lending” is deconstructed, it becomes an oxymoron, a contradiction … Decentralization is possible among peers only … Lending and repayment obligation is debt … Debt cannot exist among peers. The world’s business model is debt creation, but the era of liquidity by debt is ending. IOWs: Future delivery/promises/payments are to be “marked to present value. Future value performances are “marked to the present value”. The concept of debt is inherently tied to time, as it involves an obligation to repay something at a future date. (Remember in DeFi, the deals are account to account, p2p, FV equalized to PV.)

Time will be — experienced and used — differently in the coming Blockchain + AI epoch, as there will not be debt perse; as, and among peers all contracts are to be equalized to the present now. IOWs, the contract counterparties price things to ‘working equal value” at all times. Example: For a project funding, the investor’s 1 token of present value of liquidity (typically tangible and fungible, such as bitcoin) is to be exchanged for consideration of n tokens of future value comprised such as equity, revenue/cash flow/profit share, PV collateral, etc. [A side: To do the DeFi lending funding — to “real”-world projects where the lender funder/investor has the same one-click guarantee of payback as they have in the 100% collateralized lending in DeFi — was very difficult, but we worked it out as best as any lending from DeFi to CeFi can be. It’s the same as trying to mix and hold water (DeFi) and oil (CeFi), you need an emulsifier strategy and mechanisms. But I digress …]

Peer is what we each player-sovereign can equalize to in the next coming release in this game of life. The metes and bounds of this version of the game may seem to have been removed and tossed overboard and that we can have all the self-governance we can eat. But not. The player-sovereign equalizing is not and cannot be unconditional as the game is in the corporeal world, plus the debtness-deterministic-decentralized-distributed-disintermediating-destruptive dynamic-duo blockchain-smart-contract has yet — to give a response to, the prompt of the advent of the AI.

To be cont…

Halfbaked-onmymindnow-posits | fully-baked availbl
Halfbaked-onmymindnow-posits | fully-baked availbl

Written by Halfbaked-onmymindnow-posits | fully-baked availbl

halfbaked posits here solving for all the self-governance we can eat in the new brave-new-world / 9 yrs-9000 hrs study of crypto. Game?: Checkers, Chess, or Go?

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