the woodoo these days (shortcut to this page)

The stuff on the web and SM these days … whats a guy to do? In the past 1 to 2 years, there are rapidly increasing amount of alternative explanations and facts to what we were taught in schools and churches such as our history, the sciences, including the Bible as in who wrote it and when, such as Hebrew language 400 AD; the OT Bible stories have same stories from myths of other gods and people in the region, e.g. that of Kinyras playing harp for his King as David played harp for King Saul. The purpose of this page is to provide them as I come across them, to be a placeholder, and with a bit of a rant.

We are at existential crisis and there is a battle going on for the soul of the planet, and…

Its the-last-war … for the Boomers, the last with the living memories from just a few decades past before we went down “the strawberry fields, where nothing is real…”

== Clif High:

== Jordan Maxwell. One of the greatest teachers on this subject. “ a detailed analysis of the Book of Genesis, focusing on its translation and interpretation from ancient texts. Maxwell examines the foundational narratives of Genesis, including the creation story, the Garden of Eden, and early human history, through the lens of various translations and esoteric interpretations. He explores how different translations and cultural contexts have influenced the understanding of these biblical accounts and their deeper symbolic meanings. ….”

== Harald Kautz Vella: Archon Expulsion Techniques with Harald Kautz simple archon/demon release method:

== Harald Kautz Vella “~~recently, Satan is accepted back at the Source… for next 1000 years … but his archons still here, just release … and let ’em go, they want to go …” but… okay, thats the devil we know, been there done that, but there’s a new devil in town … sounds like — Steiner, “are-re:-man”. (Rumble, Bitchute)

HKV Self-intro (2021) “Since 2012, I’ve been a public figure delving into topics that often straddle the line between mainstream skepticism and undeniable reality. My journey began with an essay titled The Chemistry in Contrails, which sought to transcend the endless debates over chemtrails versus contrails. Instead of getting bogged down in terminology, I spent a year conducting environmental monitoring to uncover what exactly was in those trails. What I found was a disturbing list of ingredients tied to transhumanism — this was my first step into the so-called “rabbit hole” of topics dismissed as conspiracy theories, but which are very real in the material world.

“This journey took me from: 1. Chemtrailing to 2. Transhumanism, 3. From transhumanism to Black Magic, 4. From Black Magic to a Bioenergetic Understanding of Human History and 5. Duality as a Biophysical Concept.

“Throughout this exploration, my focus has always remained on healing — how we can recognize the damage or alterations inflicted upon humanity, and more importantly, how we can repair and transform ourselves from within, as a self-guided process of growth and restoration.”

==hail satan… @Lady Babylon. Ammon Hillman was evangelical Christian who at age 17 was bringing souls to Jesus Christ, but…:

Ammon Hillman’s primary argument is that the traditional understanding of the Hebrew Bible as the original source of Christian and Jewish scriptures is fundamentally flawed, that:

  • The Hebrew Bible is a later construction: The Hebrew text we have today is a much later creation based on a Greek original called the Septuagint.
  • The Dead Sea Scrolls are not original sources: They are, in fact, back-translations from the Greek, rather than pristine Hebrew texts.
  • The biblical narrative is heavily influenced by ancient religious practices and mythologies: He draws connections between biblical stories and elements found in other ancient cultures, suggesting a shared mythological framework.
  • The original meaning of biblical texts has been lost: Due to the layers of translation, interpretation, and cultural changes, the true essence of the original texts is no longer accessible.

Essentially, Hillman challenges the traditional view of biblical authority and suggests that the scriptures are products of their time, influenced by cultural, religious, and linguistic factors.


“Counterfeit Hebrew with ‪@GnosticInformant‬: Wednesday Night Bible Studies Season 5 — Episode I”
The shocking idea presented in this transcript is that Hebrew, traditionally regarded as the sacred language of the Old Testament, is actually a counterfeit or artificially created language. This claim challenges the authenticity and originality of the Hebrew scriptures, suggesting that they may be derivative of a Greek original.

The speaker reinforces the idea that Hebrew is a fabricated language created in the Middle Ages. They argue that the Hebrew Bible, as it is known today, was constructed using this counterfeit language, which was insufficient to convey the original Greek meanings and concepts.

The claim is that the original texts were in Greek, and the Hebrew translations were later attempts to appropriate these texts within a different religious and cultural framework.

The speaker’s argument is grounded in the limited vocabulary of Biblical Hebrew and contrasts it with the more robust linguistic traditions of Greek and Latin. This idea has significant implications for how we understand the origins of the Bible and the development of religious texts.”

Lady Babylon Bio: Why the 2000 ~ 3000 years of saying “it’s all Greek to me” ain’t gonna wash now. We need to go to the Greek source. The original best-selling-of-all-times was written in a 300,000+ vocab language, and then translated into a 7000 vocab language and meme’d as original … recommend to see these links first, else sacrilegious and blasphemous might be a word that comes to mind, but this dude was an evangelical Christian at age 17 and was saving souls every night and then… : and 37:37 Judaism is a creation of the third second (and), first centuries BC, it really gets going first century second century, that monism of Judaism …

== Paul Wallis:
Book. Echos of Eden. Lot of the narratives in the Bible are from other myths. “Abraham and Sarah … from Hindu Vedas …” “In this episode Paul Wallis will discuss the time line of the Elohim Before 7thC BCE and the days when Judaism was a polytheistic faith. We will explore the life of Abraham and Moses and see who they really worshipped. Yahweh? An Alien? A Powerful one?”

== Mauro Biglino: “We can be certain of one thing about the Bible, — Biglino says — that what we read today is not the text that was written originally”. Biglino argues that the Bible does not talk about God. It sounds like a very harsh provocation just conceived to make the followers of the Three Religions of the Book jump from the chair, but the Bible “simply tell the history of one Semitic family, the family of Jacob, and its relationship with Jahvè, their commander-in-chief”. Ok, but isn’t Jahvè God?

“Our idea of God — argues the Italian scholar — came to us after 2,000 years of theological elaboration and was forged through the filter of Greek-Hellenistic thought and philosophy. It is because of 2,000+ years of theological exegesis that we describe God as immortal, transcendental, omniscient, omnipotent, and so forth and so on… but the stories we read in the Bible tell us something different. Jahvè doesn’t seem to possess any of these idealistic features. He gets tired, he gets dirty, he gets upset, he gets thirsty, he gets jealous, he gets fierce, he gets cruel — really cruel. Most importantly, “he is not the only one”.

In fact, “Jahvè is just one individual belonging to the group of the Elohim”. The Hebrew term Elohim is the one that has been traditionally translated with “God” in the Bible, despite the fact of being plural, while God is obviously singular. Why? This is just one obvious sign of millennia of monotheistic misrepresentation of the beautiful ancient text that is the Bible.

“Since we don’t know what Elohim means exactly, I would suggest to leave it as it is. Let us not translate the word Elohim,” the Italian Biblist recommends. It is hard not to see a reasonable suggestion in this, especially when you think that not always in the Bible the same term “Elohim” is translated with God. It is also translated with “kings” when they seduce women (Genesis 6) or “judges” when they gather together and their boss would tell them they would die (Psalm 82).

== Gods of Eden. William Bramley. Beings from outer space gave us the money, debt, interest.

== Rudolf Steiner, ~1900s: “That Judaism Still Exists is an Error of History” And its critique: “A vigorous controversy is underway in Israel and worldwide concerning the attitude of Rudolf Steiner, the founder of anthroposophy,… Examining his writings and the critique against him leads to the conclusion that he was an anti-Jewish thinker, who thought that the Jews and Judaism, as anachronistic phenomena, play an inhibitory role in Western civilization should therefore pass from the world”.

(BTW, Steiner is not anti-anything, he is arguing for Christ Consciousness as requirement for the great changes that is coming to humanity in the 21st century and …. — in order for humanity to be free of the mind virus, the parasite-predator that gave us its mind and permeated it into our reality (maritime law from Phoenicians to Rome to admiralty to u-c-c, now), so that everything is alleged until decided in their courts, and the problem is that now the parasite-predator is eating its own and self (the system complexity entropic theory, and centralized communication and command reaches inverse rate in both ROI and time scale requiring exponentially increasing energy (eating its own)) and wants to be free, but can’t…but remember, there goes … except for the Grace.

== “Epiphanius’s Hit Peice on the Gnostics — Religious Royalty vs “The Good Men”: a reader’s post:
Static in the attic channel: @1charlastar886
(~08/02) “The month before I turned 9, I insisted on going to Church that Sunday night, though we didn’t usually go out in the old truck at night on the dirt roads when it was raining. The preacher didn’t know what to do with an 8 year old child coming down the aisle in tears. “Do you know what you are doing?” he asked. Yep, I sure did. The Holy Spirit descended on me and I was floating in a field of Light. And then I left the hellfire and damnation Chruch at 15 because the God and Christ I knew was filled with Love, not hate, fear and vengeance. I could feel the presence of God so strongly when I was walking in the fields and meadows and among the trees.”

== David Lester Straight: Common Law INTRO — David-Lester Straight — Chosen by Donald Trump:

== Tartaria. Proof of civilization before ours, and only 100 years ago. (And the building spires based system for harvesting electricity from the Aether.) “A POSTCARD THAT DESTROYS THE ENTIRE NARRATIVE

== Modern prophet: Clif High:

== A list of 9–11 improbables happening on any typical day, except when they do happen.

== 9–11: shortcut to lot of videos. etc. on the event.

== 9-11 Gov’t cant prove the hijackers were on the plane. … Remember, it was 2001, the cellular phone tower were either pointed horizontal and down, not up, and the then tech is near impossible for towers to hand off calls, esp. on a plane at altitude traveling some 300~400 mph, and one passenger was in the faraday cage, the plane’s restroom, to make the call… RIP. The gov’t produced ~13 transcripts at the trial…, really. Miracles happen. Good help is getting harder to find.

Where are the debris:

== Packaging Freedom: How we are told we have the greatest living eva… by the Uber organized system.

== COVID injuries and deaths:

== Celebrities are

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Halfbaked-onmymindnow-posits | fully-baked availbl

Written by Halfbaked-onmymindnow-posits | fully-baked availbl

halfbaked posits here solving for all the self-governance we can eat in the new brave-new-world / 9 yrs-9000 hrs study of crypto. Game?: Checkers, Chess, or Go?

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